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TSPA Inc. Take a Tour, Tennis Lessons in Montreal

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TSPA is proud to offer several tournaments throughout the season such as the 3rd annual Côte Saint-Luc Tennis Club Junior championship.

The tournament is scheduled to take place from August 12-16, 2015.  

The registration is usually done through this registration link.

Information regading the CSL Tennis Club Junior Championship tournament is here (English) and here (French). 

There is a 10 years old and under category, 12 and under and 14 and under. The cost is $20 and must be paid in cash before Wednesday, August 12.  The deadline for registration is Friday, August 7, 2015.

The location of the tournament is the Côte Saint-Luc Tennis Club, located at 8215 Guelph in Côte Saint-Luc. Map quest it!

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