With Lior Doron as the academy director he has put together an excellent program.
Jack Rosenfield
Une caractéristique dont l'académie se spécialise que j'ai tellement aimé était l'idÃ...
Jack Rosenfield
Private Lessons
Private lessons are a great way to get personal, one on one training that you simply canno...
Sam Cohen
Caldwell Courts in Côte Saint-Luc (Recreational or Beginner)
5785 Avenue Parkhaven, Côte-Saint-Luc, QC H4W 0A4
-Free to play. Private lessons or clinics have an added fee or no fee if you are a TSPA VIP.
-Changing rooms at the Aquatic Community Center (5794 Parkhaven) which is a five minute walk.
-Five hard court tennis courts.