With Lior Doron as the academy director he has put together an excellent program.
Jack Rosenfield
I especially liked the online reservation system for the tennis clinics based on one's ski...
Leng Vong Computer programmer
Private Lessons
Private lessons are a great way to get personal, one on one training that you simply canno...
Sam Cohen
Taking the BMW (Bus Metro Walk) to the Cote Saint-Luc Tennis Club and Rembrandt Park
The Côte Saint-Luc Tennis Club, the West End Cavendish Club and Rembrandt Park tennis courts are accessible via the metro stations listed below with a yellow star on them:
Coming to our club in style? Taking the BMW (bus metro walk) mode of transportation? No problem! Follow the important instructions below.
Get off at the Plamondon, Outremont or Rosemont metro station and take the 161 going west (this bus connects all three stations).
For the West End Cavendish Club, get off the bus at the corner of Kildare and Cavendish. The bus code is 56220. Walk 600 metres east along Kildare, turn left on Cavendish, then turn right on Mackle. The address of the club is 6585 Mackle in Côte Saint-Luc.
For the CSLTC, the bus conveniently stops right next to the club when you get off at Wentworth and Guelph. The bus code is 56337. This will let you know EXACTLY when the bus will get to the club. Use the link to the right (Montreal buses in Montreal for more information). The address of the club is 8215 Guelph and the telephone number is 514-487-7862.
For the Rembrandt Park tennis courts, take the same 161 westbound bus and exit at the corner of Kildare and Cavendish. The bus code is 56393. Head northeast on Kildare towards Cavendish, then turn right on Rembrandt. The park will be on your left.
You can also find out the exact time the bus comes to and from the club. Remember, the bus code is 56337 going west and 56338 going east.
Taking the real BMW or other car and want driving directions? Click the link below. Be sure to put QC for Quebec